
closing time

When the clock turned, I was suddenly one year older. Like magic. A whole year of work and perilous danger subsumed by a number. In an instant. It doesn't seem right. It took a whole year to get here. Now that year is history.
Funny. I still have the same friends and a few more new friends. Some re-connections with friends thought to be lost but really just out there wondering what the hell I'd been up to.
Yes. I've become lame. I drive carefully, keep the speed down, let others cut in front and refrain from using my cell phone while driving and at the gas station because the sign says I shouldn't. I eat more dark green vegetables. Wash the dishes by hand. Buy recycled paper products even if they cost more and they always do. I sold my guns and quit hunting and shooting animals except with a camera. I provide fresh water and litter for my cat almost daily. He notices and I think he appreciates it but how would I know. I just figure if I was him, I would want someone like me to do the same. His name is Willie. He likes country music just like I do. He's hoboed from Arizona to Minnesota with me.
And I still like punk rock. I'm still a straight-laced prep frat-boy in appearance and action. I voted then, I vote now. I pay taxes. I'm OK with both. I take a vitamin supplement and drink a lot of water. Usually only fruit if I want a sweet snack. But I still love cookies (I'm eating one now), ice cream and cupcakes. Overall, I'm a happy boy. I guess that could be brain damage from my years of excess. They're behind me. I've become more subtle.
I'm old now, but young at heart and in spirit. I wonder if it's because I took the time to make so many friends. Some go back to first grade, some farther. Some are more recent, but bonds build over time. Some quickly, others more slowly, and require careful consideration. Some I've had to let go as our paths diverged. But, that's part of the enjoyable challenge of it all. Like a warm chocolate chip cookie or your Mom's smile when you did the right thing. Or eating spinach. It grows on you and makes you stronger.
Closing time for me is a long way off. I can't get enough of this. Figure I'll stick around for a bit. So, for all of you friends, the bigger and the better and the in-betweens, thank you for carrying me this far. I won't forget you. Ever.