

Almost old. Almost. I'm fighting it. But if by chance I do get older, I'll remember all the special people in my life. There are so many.
I spend my days playing a game I call jump, jump, jump climb. I get tied up in it.  Then I hear from a dear friend I haven't heard from in years. Her smile is beautiful and it makes me happy. And the years fall away. Tomorrow, I think I'll play in a sandbox. Ride a swing. Take the neighbor kids for ice-cream. There's more than one way to jump, jump, jump, climb.


  1. you said it all my friend !! Enjoy YOUR day and make everyone count...my heart is smiling at you, hope you can feel it :)

  2. I wrote it with you in mind Julie. And, I do feel your heart smiling. Mine smiles too. And it's a lot bigger because of you.
