
let's make a deal

I got this email tonight and decided to respond. My response is below. If I get more, I'll keep y'all posted.

Compliment Friend,

I have a profiling amount in an excess of Eleven Million, Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars, which I seek your partnership in accommodating for me. You will be rewarded with Forty Percent of the total sum for your partnership. Can you be my partner on this?

I am Ms. Kimaeva Lioudmila, a personal secretary to Mikhail hodorkovsky the richest man in Russia and owner of the following companies: Chairman CEO: YUKOS OIL (Russian Most Largest Oil Company) Chairman CEO:Menatep SBP Bank (A reputable financial institution with its branches all
over the world).

The documents of the above fundsin question was handed over to me to be used in payment of an American oil merchant for his last oil deal with my boss Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Already the funds have been deposited some where in Spain (undisclosed for now), where the final crediting is
expected to be carried out. While I was on the process,My Boss got arrested for his involvement on politics in financing the leading and opposing political parties (the Union of Right Forces, led by Boris Nemtsov,and Yabloko, a liberal/social democratic party led by Gregor Yavlinsky) which poses treat to President Vladimir Putin second tenure as Russian president. You can catch more of the story on this http://newsfromrussia.com/main/2003/11/13/51215.html

All I need from you is to stand as the beneficiary of the above quoted sum and I will arrange for the documentation which will enable transfer of the sum to you. I have decided to use this sum to relocate to America, Canada and Europe continent and never to be connected to any of Mikhail Khodorkovsky conglomerates. The transaction has to be concluded in 2 weeks. As soon as I get your willingness to comply through my most private email address Reply to:(misskimaprivacy@myway.com), I will give you more details.

Thank you very much


Miss Kima Lioud

Miss Kima,
Your email comes at an opportune moment. My brother Doug is, like you, mentally retarded and suffers from Drooling Systematic Obligation Propagation (DSOP). As such, he has been exlcuded from the provisions of the US Patriot Act and Articles 16 and 17 of the US Constitution as ratified by the UN Congress of Nations. For this reason, we may be in a position to help you.
However, we will need your assistance in moving this project forward. We will need to authenticate your position. If it is at all possible, please donate a minimum of $1000.00 USD to the World Wildlife Fund with Doug the Retard, Oswego Wisconsin as the benefactor. We will require credible, legal evidence of this transaction. If you cannot legitimize the funds, we will accept a PayPal transaction.
Next, we will simply ask that you subscribe to the following US publications. The New Yorker, Sports Illustrated, National Geographic and Penthouse. Please use discretion in assigning these subscriptions to the attention of Doug Retard, PO Box 29674, Oswego WI, USA. Please prepay the subscription fees as a sign of good faith.
Finally, to determine your ability to meet our needs, please provide descriptions for the following words:
1. Butterscotch.
2. Dingleberry.
3. Spoon.
4. Discharge.
5. Hemorrhage.
6. Sulfur.
7. Prick.
8. Stink.
9. Scam.
10. Fraud.
Kima, if your needs can accomodate ours, I think we can do business. There's only one remainig issue. Your ISP is anonymous. Your IP address is unavailable. Don't worry, I've got my best people working on it. We'll track you down in no time.
Yours truly,
dba Frank Olic

PS: Interpol said this was a scam. Say it ain't so, bi-ach.


so long since i've said hello

No. I'm not done. I'm not shutting down the site. I've just been very busy being very busy. The result is neglect. Procrastination, etc.
But, that said, how are all of you? Still checkin' in?
Good. I write because you read.
It's still hot here but cooling as the days pass. I've fully recovered from the Black Widow Spider bite. It hurt like a son of a bitch for a few days but wasn't much worse than an allergic response to a Minnesota wasp sting I suffered in summer 2005. My physician says there's no brain damage.
The storm damage from the 2007 monsoon is covered by insurance and I'll have my roof back in shape by December before the winter snows. Structurally speaking, I think it will hold.
I got so busy I let the landscaping go. Andy Ramirez and crew will be out next Wednesday to get that back in order. (I mow the front yard but Andy keeps up the back and the weeds - pre and post emergent.)
Like I said before, it's still hot here.
Check out The Shins. This video is outstanding.


the buckboard cafe

I like to get up early on Sunday mornings and take the 60 to the Buckboard Cafe in Superior, Arizona. It's about 30 minutes on the freeway to the highway and then the two-lane into the mountains. The Buckboard is on your right and you can't and shouldn't miss it. I haven't had a better breakfast in years.
At 7:30, the place is busy but not full. Most of the weekend patrons are bikers. That tells you all you need to know. Here is good food and a good ride. If you go there, you'll see that both are right.
Head east out of town and start the climb up the rim. The road winds and curves and it's hard to stay on it because the view is so cool. You climb on up through the Queen Creek Tunnel and keep an eye on the left for the lady who sells jerky next to the old, abandoned box car diner.
Back in Superior, you take a right off the two-lane into the business district. It's deserted. I see a woman and three dogs and then another woman with one dog. Almost all of the businesses are boarded up. The mine up the hill is not productive. The people are gone.
Billy Bob Thornton made a movie here but no one cares to talk about it. Like a double-kicked dog. First the mine, then Hollywood.
I'll be back in Superior next Sunday. I'll order the short stack, eggs and sausage and grab a coffee to go. I'll drive downtown and take a picture. It will be worth a thousand words.


the draft

I resurrected the EFL this year after a two year hiatus. It quickley became a Ball of Confusion. Yahoo lost our draft data due to a server error then "restored" it, but to the wrong teams. League members expressed legitimate consternation. One quit, then rejoined only to quit again within a few short minutes. The league had been "compromised", he asserted in an email. That's not an inaccurate statement under the circumstances, but his was the only franchise to bolt, then suggest he wasn't bolting and then bolt again. The other nine franchises stayed the course, knowing we would figure it out.
Today (Thursday), a league member in Michigan recovered the draft data and migrated it to a new site. We began play at night with the teams we drafted at the other site. I had a good night with Peyton Manning as my QB. The franchise owning Reggie Wayne did even better.

We found a replacement for the quitter.


old 97's

So I was trying to rent a 32 foot, two-man scissor lift in Lewisville, Texas for a Tuesday delivery and I needed to nail this down by noon Phoenix time Friday so I could start my holiday weekend. I wasn't having any luck until I got ahold of Orville at S&H Equipment in Euless, Texas. Orville had my lift and could meet my delivery deadline of Tuesday, September 4th. But, he needed a credit application so I asked can I put it on my AMEX. Hell, yeah, he replied - same as cash.
Now this alone was a Godsend, but Orville goes on to talk about growin' up in Dallas and his good friend Rhett Miller. I know who Rhett Miller is. Rhett Miller fronted the Old 97's before going solo. Seems Rhett is playing a backyard BBQ in Hurst, Texas in October. Orville said come on over. I just might.