

There has been a lot of support for a Not Bad Oranges reunion expressed on this forum. The obstacles, though not so great as those confronted by the former Beatles, are purely artistically based. And, of course, money is a factor. We have none. We only have our artistic ability. And our name.
Our band has survived all these years based on the vapor trail left by the most incredible band name in the history of American pop/rock music. These Are Not Bad Oranges. TANBO.
We are making that change. Well, I am unilaterally making that change as proxy for the band. We are now TANBO.
I hope my bandmates will read this post and understand the need for change. The need to become an easily remembered acronym. A recognizable brand.
Join us in welcoming TANBO.

TANBO on Tour

The 711
Gilbert, AZ
June 12
8:00 PM

Gilbert AZ
June 13 - 24
6:00 PM All ages
9:00 PM Liquor Show

Wall Celebration
Wall SD


  1. TANBO, Hmmmmm it has a nice ring!

  2. TANBO?! Is that like ABBA?

    The need for an easily remembered acronym? You've been to one too many branding seminars, buddy.

    As one of the founding members of NBO, I mean, Not Bad Oranges, I say no can do -- no TANBO.

  3. Rock on TANBO!

  4. my best gal, Clara Jean, and I plan to make the 711 show. Does the band cover any gil landry tunes? also, if TANBO covers '1952 Vincent Black Lightning', i play a mean washboard!!!


  5. the acronym thing is so passé...you stick to writing great music, and leave the naming to me:

    Not Bad Oranges

  6. NBO founding member replies...

    You're not the boss of me. Since you and Porkchop have decided not to join me on this tour, I can call it whatever I want.

    That's what my lawyer said!

  7. You needed a lawyer to tell you that? Oh wait, you are a lawyer. Hey, send me one of those cool TANBO world tour shirts.

  8. Sorry real NBO founder, but the initial run was misprinted as RANBO 91-07 The Rock Livers! (s/b Rock Lives!). Thus, I'm thinking of taking my current band on the road as The Rock Livers. No NBO covers. But only if Cleats Onionpocket can entice his drummer to join us.
