
drill baby drill

Did anyone miss the irony? The Palin family seems to epitomize the concept. Drill for what I might ask. Why do we continue to expand our oil capacity when it's refinery capacity and use patterns that are at fault. Not to mention commodities speculation, a bubble that has burst based on consumer patterns (conservation - or, if you like, price reluctance) and the strength of the US dollar. It was not and never has been an issue of supply.
China. India. Usurpers of oil and gasoline? They have been thoroughly castigated as economies based on subsidies. How about US? What don't we subsidize? What really surprises me is the hypocrisy. To that end, I think it's only fair that skilled commodities brokers make out like bandits as they bilk the mass of idiots that populate any given societal collective (read: nation state) on a worldwide level.
So once again the concept of renewable energy resources comes to the forefront. I love the concepts of solar, wind and geothermal energy, They minimize environmental impact. They work and other than the cost of infrastructure, are free. Ethanol? Dead on arrival. If you don't understand that, join the Republican party and sell your soul to another government subsidy. Ethanol production is not profitable in any other guise.
The question boils down to "what would McCain/Palin do? I think I got the message.
Drill Baby Drill.

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