
dad gum

Dad Gum is keen on Lola Simpendorfer. Lola pushes soda pop at the cafe in Wasta and goes dancing at the Two Bit in Quinn every Saturday night. She paints the barn and puts on her best dress, hose and shoes. High heels. She can dance in them.
Dad Gum came in one night after cutting hay all day and saw Lola sitting alone across the dimly lit saloon and steakhouse on Highway 44. He couldn't look away. He decided to ask her to dance even though he was dressed in dusty overalls and work boots and hadn' t shaved for days.
But Dad Gum was an accomplished Cali, Columbia Salsa Style dancer. Dad Gum preferred the common name Boogaloo and pumped two bucks into the CD jukebox, calling up his favorite, King Bongo. This caught Lola's attention. She herself was an accomplished Salsa Cubana dancer and the styles are complementary.
Dad Gum always keeps a red rose in his truck for just such occasions and went to fetch it. Lola's anticipation grew. Dad hurried, he didn't not want to miss his chance but as Dad went out, Enrique De Santiago went in. With slick black hair, a pencil thin mustachio, red polyester pant-suit and shiny shoes he swept past, reeking of cheap cologne. He glanced derisively at Dad Gum.
Dad Gum grabbed his rose and and hurried back inside, expecting the worst. But it seems Lola had seen Dad looking at her. Watched him fire up the jukebox and decided he was for her and she for him. She nodded at Enrique, indicating she was taken. She gave Dad her best smile and nodded yes. They tore up the place. Truly brilliant Salsa.
And made plans for next Saturday and a life together.
Dad Gum.

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