
over and over and over

No truer words as I return to Hootenanny after a long, much needed hiatus. Sorry to have left you, but the good thing is that so many have lost the habit of reading this weblog, I'm back to ground zero so to speak and can do whatever I want when I want without regard to what I might think you want. That's key.
I hate to sound really selfish but I do this as a hobby, for me and my amusement. Everything else is secondary. As it should be. I guess.
Regarding the last post. We got our birds. Wasn't very hard and took under an hour total if I recall correctly. The boss went home with some stories and I kept the birds. Got three left. One went to a friend across the street and one each to a couple of North Dakotans living nearby.
I took the bird to Peter on a Sunday. It was a warm day and the door was open. Still, I knocked and Peter's wife Bobbie came to the door and ushered me in. Peter was conducting a religious service and there were folks there I had never seen before. I didn't stay, being a bit leery about such things especially on a Sunday when I was watching NFL Football and drinking or about to begin drinking beer.
Giving a bird to Jim was a lot easier. He lives next door and was the first, along with his wife Tammy, to welcome me to the neighborhood. He's downed a few birds along the way and was happy to have one for the fridge. Also, he has a big-ass boat he pulls with a Chevy Sierra. Jim is alright.
The third bird was a hen the dog found in the field. Wing-shot but still a good runner. I gave it to my assistant at work. She can't decide whether she's from ND or Minnesota. She has attributes of both. Most of all just a mother hen. Mean but very protective of her brood. Keeps the troops in order but has the May butchering season coming.
Well. Here we are. Send your comments as I rearrange the site. I've looked into some alternatives but haven't located a keeper so this'll do just fine.
And hey, if you make it to RC say HI to Bobbie and Pat.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back. I'm on a much needed haiku also (see my blog for explanation..though you might have to search).

    Maybe someday I'll come back. The pressure sucks, no?
