
sugar in my tea

an oyster cracker
is like sugar in my tea

it accompanies me like a white-powder drug
or the sound of a racetrack
on my way home

when it's as hot as hell in phoenix
and i'm stuck in traffic on the 60 east towards apache junction
and i'm listening to jerry jeff or jimmy dale
'cause i like country

i crave a bowl of hot chowder
made from bottom fish, not lobster
but you can't get it at the fish houses in phoenix

so i checked in with a friend
and scored a patagonian toothfish
a "sea-bass"
about as tasty as a cheyenne river catfish
we busted it out

chopped some onions and some taters
a little cream, bacon and sweet-cream-unsalted butter
put to a slow simmering boil

then an oyster cracker
was almost like sugar in my tea

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