
cleaning the pool

The pool expert is back tonight. The pool murk remains unresolved despite our best efforts. A disturbing development has been the arrival of a hoard of poisonous desert toads who now ring the pool like funky gargoyles in the early evening and throughout the night and make a raucous noise akin to a threatened rabbit. Eerie and piercing. Caspar and Willie are on lock down which is good in any event because the backyard neighbor told me if our cats climbed the wall into his yard again, he'd trap them and feed each a toad. I decided to help him in his endeavor. I've been catching the toads with the pool net and heaving them over the wall into his backyard. If I should drop off line for a few days it's probably because I've been arrested for toad launching, a serious offense here in Phoenix. Wish me luck as I deliver the toads via air to their new digs in the hater's backyard.

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