
rule of the bone

No. It's not what you think. Pervert. The title line is about a dude from Kansas who founded a Church based on the concepts of Intelligent Design (but not really and after the fact), which is an argument that we should teach children science and religion at the same time. If the argument was based on the simple premise of efficiency (the ancient Greek two birds with one stone hypothesis, for example), I would be more than inclined to agree. But unfortunately, it is not.
Alas, the Designer's got there first. Laws were passed. The teaching of Creationism was mandated under the scientific mantle of Intelligent Design. That theory basically states that only someone really smart could have created the Universe and he/she/it looks and thinks like us. And us is us, who else would it be?
I can't quite follow this logic.
I drifted.
And then I met a Pastafarian waitress at Hooters in Scottsdale. She was an adherent of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. And, at that magical moment, I became one too. An adherent, that is.

Wait, what was I talking about? Lost my train of thought.
Oh yeah, Hooters. Great place.

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