Be not unkind to the kindly. Be not weary when thou sleepest for thou art resting even as thou sleeps. Do unto others as you would have them do unto Stuart, who is likened to the Devils who solicit your landscaping with baubles and trinkets at your door. Take communion with the fruit of the banana tree for it is a great source of fiber and potassium. Be free from desire for desire leads to wall to wall carpeting and much additional work. Turn the other cheek often to even your tan, for an uneven tan is an abomination before God and your partner who tans evenly. Above all, respect your elders for one day you also will be elderly and may need to borrow a pair of support hose. Amen.
Howdy folks. Just polishing up my religiosity as I have been asked to officiate at my niece's wedding at the Whisky a Go Go in Los Angeles this fall. That's so long as I get ordained online and officiate in a foreign language. She's partial to Italian and I have been to Italy so I'm something of a local expert on the language and culture. But I'm thinking more in terms of Kalihari Bushmen. You know, with the clicks and the pops and such. Plus it sounds good with banjo.
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