The Arizona Republic released the dreaded news yesterday. The temperature in the Valley of the Sun may reach 117 degrees as early as next Tuesday. Locals are hoarding ice, steaks and beer. The tourists have fled. Madness rules the Freeways as motorists drive as fast as possible to limit exposure to cancer spawning UV rays that can penetrate metal and fiberglass bit not stucco or adobe clay. Smaller swimming pools heat up like hot tubs and above ground pools can and often do reach the boiling point.
As I watered my lawn last night I saw the sacred lizard. I called out to him. "Hey lizard, from whence do you come and where are you going." He didn't answer. He was motionless. Maybe an inch long with the girth of a twig. I called him Larry but still, he didn't answer. Instead he skittered away. He made it to the edge of the curb before he was taken by a Grackle. A common, noisy blackbird.
Goodbye Larry. See you in Heaven.
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