When I ten, I was looking for work. Word came through from the Rancher's Supply that a trucker was looking for some boys to empty a grain silo. Ten dollars each for a days work. A fortune. Enough to buy a new watch at Gambles. And I was keen for a new watch. I joined up.
The trucker hauled us north of town. Pulled his rig and trailer up next to the silo (and the farmer's PTO auger) and started setting up just like a carney. We passed this time like boys often do; unknowing, throwing rocks, catching grasshoppers and conducting distance-based peeing contests.
Then we were called to work.
The first and primary auger gets the majority of the wheat from the silo. It's a covered auger with a safety sleeve. It draws from the middle of the silo at it's base. There is a secondary auger inside the silo that is connected to the primary and radiates out and up and almost 360 degrees from the center-base. It's uncovered. Get caught in it and by the time they shut it down you might not have a chance. That's what we were brought for. To feed the secondary auger.
One boy (we took turns) straddles the upper end of the secondary auger and moves it across the remaining grain with a handle like a lawnmower handle. Only you can't shut it off like a lawnmower. The rest of us shovel the wheat towards that auger as fast as we can - it's greedy. The room is full of dust and chaff. A painters mask doesn't keep it out of your eyes and only barely out of your lungs.
We kept at it and we got all of it out. We were each paid on the spot.
A few days later, I bought my watch.
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