Can you hear it? Is it the barely audible chorus of wounded man-souls left on the cigarette-butt-strewn battleground of party-music by the new, improved Sister Sinead O'Connor of pop (AKA Britney Spears)? My friend Chelsea says she shaved her head because her "cornrows" hurt. Apparently, they weren't secured firmly to the gray matter deep within her air conditioned skull. My theory is that she's the only human alive that can hear a silent dog whistle and dang, they're selling like hotcakes lately. Poor girl. Maybe some more booze would help.
Nonetheless, as an unruly 13 year old boy from Pringle, SD, I still plan to make a play for Britney. As soon as I get my head gear removed and my rhymes down. Long live the queen of rotten-pop. I am beating a path to your heart.
Ahh, the joys of spoiled Teen Stardom. If only I had been smart enough to take off half my clothes and dance around in a "Exotic" fashion when I was still at such a tender (and tight bodied) age.
ReplyDeleteThen I could be an absolute freak at 25 and get all the attention.
Oh well, there's still hope for The Girl, right?