I regret to inform you that I did not win the fantasy football league this year
I did do fairly well
going 10-7
not good, but not bad
I was done in by our dear, mutual friend and nemesis Crunchtime
I lost both attempts to what I thought was an inferior squad, statistically speaking
But I was plainly out coached by a worthy opponent and friend and I admit it
I'm also happy to report that the Commissioner
Ran the league as haphazardly as ever
We've both held that role in our own leagues
So we knew his approach, and the associated struggle and strife
I'm sure we'll have the final results
Before we put your ashes in your chosen locale
I'll beam them out when the Commissioner gets around to issuing invoices
- Commissioner, I'll write my check after the service
Thanks for bringing me into ESFL in 1991
Back when you did it all on paper
And the scoring out of the Dallas Morning News
16 self addressed stamped envelopes to get the weekly reports
About every three weeks or so we'd get one
It brought you and me back in touch
Stats, trades, scoring rules, and hey what's up with you man
And continued all this time
No one here will know what I mean, but it settled the Merle Haggard issue
The broken ankle, which you recalled as your fault and I as mine ...
The Deep Creek Fishing Trip
That extremely ugly, copper-colored Plymouth Fury
I would rather have the chance to argue with you about these things than have you go
But you can't win an argument without an opponent
And I suspect you're looking down right now and regretting
A chance to do so again
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