We have all seen this picture before.
I just finished watching Episode Six of "Into The West". They did a good job of chronicling Big Foot's run from the Grand River to Wounded Knee after the murder of Sitting Bull. We all know what happened when they got there. Pretense led to combat. Carefully positioned Hotchkiss fifty cals raked the encampment. More than three hundred were murdered. All to avenge Custer's mistake on the Greasy Grass?
Arizona Senator John McCain has suggested we posthumously award Congressional Medals of Honor for the US soldiers that carried out this dirty business. While I respect Senator McCain, I can no longer support his agenda. This is a pivotal issue. And he is dead-ass wrong.
So, like you, I'm left wondering.
In all this time, has our government gotten any smarter?
I really don't think so ...
Actions are louder than words.
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