With the valuable assistance of Nostradamus himself, Hootenanny makes the following predictions for 2007.
1. The North American Sasquatch will reveal himself.
2. Computers will get faster.
3. TV's will stop growing at 61 inches.
4. The Himalayan Yeti will challenge the authenticity of the North American Sasquatch.
5. A Yeti/Sasquatch bidding war will develop between Old Navy and Abercrombie & Fitch.
6. Computers will get more faster.
7. The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation will secede from the Union.
8. Pigs will remain flightless.
9. Clothes will learn to wash themselves.
10. An additional 16 NCAA football "bowl" games will be created.
11. Bowls will become scarce in America.
12. Computers will get smaller.
13. Girl's basketball will be outlawed.
14. Man will establish a way station on Mars on his way to the sun.
15. The price of ice will climb as global warming continues.
16. Gas will cost more than bottled water.
17. The internet will be invented by a Democrat.
18. A Republican will ruin it.
19. There will be nothing but idiots left in North Carolina (excluding Pete).
20. The glacier covering North Dakota will recede.