Hootenanny returned today from Morongo Valley, California where the Hoot visited and observed a tribe of Morongo Valley hominids during their traditional Thanksgiving Holiday festivus. Tapping the knowledge of the famous Phd., Edgar Hollingbass of Southwest Missouri State College, an expert on Morongo Valley hominids and catfish, the Hoot blended right in though ultimately failing to remain unnoticed. A refusal to sample the oyster based dish drew a sharp rebuke and consternation from the assembled elders, including the patriarch of the clan, Marty, a single malt and cigar type with a learned fondness for raw and otherwise inedible seafood. The resulting unease gave way, thankfully, to an exotic feast of turkey with Italian sausage stuffing, skin-on mashed potatoes, assorted related gustatory accessories and a mack-daddy pecan pie.
Following this feast there was a great calamity of washing, watching of football and a lot of witty banter before a simple, comfortable stupor seemed to envelope the group, including the attending Hootenanny staffer. The stupor took hold of the male hominids mostly, and a few began to smoke tobacco and regale the others with tales of daring braveness and amazing accomplishment. Much of it was apparently questionable in fact, but altogether likely the perceived course of events in the mind of the story-teller. If the question was of any event, a wager was inevitably placed. But, more often than not, due to the dubious nature of the propositions, no real evidence could be adduced in favor or against. Eventually, the majority of the wagers were suspended.
As darkness fell, an unease permeated the tribe as both individuals and small groups, family and otherwise, began their gradual preparations for departure. Most notable, kindness and good cheer defined this point in the activities of the day. There was a profound sense of well-being and accomplishment as the tribe set the emotional stage for the year to come. The extended family had extended itself again. The bonds tested by the forgoing year had been amply renewed.
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