a different take with david bowie on the bridge
just proving this song rocks

Hootenanny returned today from Morongo Valley, California where the Hoot visited and observed a tribe of Morongo Valley hominids during their traditional Thanksgiving Holiday festivus. Tapping the knowledge of the famous Phd., Edgar Hollingbass of Southwest Missouri State College, an expert on Morongo Valley hominids and catfish, the Hoot blended right in though ultimately failing to remain unnoticed. A refusal to sample the oyster based dish drew a sharp rebuke and consternation from the assembled elders, including the patriarch of the clan, Marty, a single malt and cigar type with a learned fondness for raw and otherwise inedible seafood. The resulting unease gave way, thankfully, to an exotic feast of turkey with Italian sausage stuffing, skin-on mashed potatoes, assorted related gustatory accessories and a mack-daddy pecan pie.
Following this feast there was a great calamity of washing, watching of football and a lot of witty banter before a simple, comfortable stupor seemed to envelope the group, including the attending Hootenanny staffer. The stupor took hold of the male hominids mostly, and a few began to smoke tobacco and regale the others with tales of daring braveness and amazing accomplishment. Much of it was apparently questionable in fact, but altogether likely the perceived course of events in the mind of the story-teller. If the question was of any event, a wager was inevitably placed. But, more often than not, due to the dubious nature of the propositions, no real evidence could be adduced in favor or against. Eventually, the majority of the wagers were suspended.
As darkness fell, an unease permeated the tribe as both individuals and small groups, family and otherwise, began their gradual preparations for departure. Most notable, kindness and good cheer defined this point in the activities of the day. There was a profound sense of well-being and accomplishment as the tribe set the emotional stage for the year to come. The extended family had extended itself again. The bonds tested by the forgoing year had been amply renewed.
emergency drinking water

bird sitter

I was heading up to Prescott to check out the old west bars with an old friend and I didn't know what to do with my parrot - a Guatemalan Green. A touchy bit of feathers and beak.
After an intensive Google search, I found this parrot sitter right here in Gilbert. She's a bird nanny. Highly specialized.
When I first met her, she was tending a red throated sap sucker, a white beaked hummingbird and an Anderson Scott blue-necked buzzard. She had an old Golden Eagle. And, most amazingly, a Sawtooth dream catcher from Omaha, Nebraska. What are the odds?
Mildred Stinnett

When you find yourself with little or nothing to do on a sunny November Saturday in Gilbert, AZ, hop on down to the Gilbert Street Liberty Museum and check out Mildred Stinnett's antique toothpick holder collection. It's a stunning collection and there's a tale to tell about each piece, says Mildred, a retired Marine aviator.
"I got this piece in 'Nam back in '69. Just after the Tet Offensive. We was lootin' in Old Saigon.", a mildly distracted Mildred mentioned offhandedly to several passersby as she fumbled with a fired glass toothpick holder from the early Ming Dynasty.
Another piece is hand carved North Sea pyrite. Mildred picked up several on her frequent trips to the Danish pyrite fields where she also raised caribou and gill netted Patagonian Toothfish with the natives under the endless summer sun before retiring to Gilbert in 1986.
Mildred enjoys a more relaxed pace these days. She's at the museum on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Joe's Real BBQ on Wednesday and the Gilbert Whist Club on Friday. Some days she plays shuffleboard or ping pong and practices her ballroom dancing with her imaginary partner, Dave Stinnett.
"And, I just like to kick back and chill with a couple of virgin margaritas and some good reefer. Life is simple here in Gilbert."
please stay

Sorry. Posts have been somewhat scarce while I moved into my new Navaho Hogan in north Gilbert, AZ. Hauled in my new sleepin' mat from over in Tempe. That took my Titan and Barry's Superduty to get the job done. Then down to Chandler for the desk for the den.
Still need to haul my electronics and a queen bed for guests. My readers are all welcome to test it if they make it out this way.
Up to Glendale on Saturday for the kitchen table and then I think I'm done. Well, excepting the foosball table I'm buying myself for Christmas.
Come on down and get yer butt kicked!
steven hairgrove
Like a crockpot dialed up way too High, Steven Hairgrove, son of the Methodist preacher in Wall, SD was a leaker, aka a bed-wetter. He wasn't shy and he was not deterred by public appprobation, and so, he continued wetting the bed well into Jr. High.
Two days ago, Steven called. He was at a Cingular Wireless franchise in Romeoeville, IL picking out a new phone. "Something waterproof" he stated. I could only guess why.
Two days ago, Steven called. He was at a Cingular Wireless franchise in Romeoeville, IL picking out a new phone. "Something waterproof" he stated. I could only guess why.
new order

Pelosi, Bush and Cheney at the White House after the election.
The political paradigm has shifted. Whether you want to believe it or not, the American public wants to get out of Iraq.
I have a friend that suggests we're there to build and maintain airstrips to maintain control over the reserves - and that the boys who signed up should have known what they would inevitably encounter. I guess he's right, but I think he's wrong.
We're not in Iraq to build Democracy. We're there to support global capitalism - that's the long way to say OIL.
In the meantime, a whole bunch of goof folk are being treated worse than Indians. And young men are provided with the guns to they need to kill them.
I was nine when the American Indian Movement occupied Wounded Knee.
the chickens come home to roost
All this to secure a Rumsfeld resignation?

What a bash the Dems had last night beating up the Republicans. It was a well deserved and long in coming beating. The arrogance of those numb-headed-horse-eaters had become intolerable. The Dems had nothing to do but sit by and watch them disassemble 12 years of shame and excess in a spectacular display of self-destruction.
But now, the legislative branch must resume function. Democrats must put aside their bongs and beer and get at the task. Which is governing and protecting and serving and road building. Right here, right now.
There will be no more stiff collar quail hunts, no more drinking sessions with the Chief Justice, no more unmanned flights over the desert to catch the mobile applicants for janitorial and landscaping positions in the backyards of the better off.
The chickens have come home to roost. They'd better provide a few eggs for their feed and water cost, scratch about and kill the meaner bugs and act happy to see us whenever we approach. They only have two years to prove themselves. The revolution starts now.

What a bash the Dems had last night beating up the Republicans. It was a well deserved and long in coming beating. The arrogance of those numb-headed-horse-eaters had become intolerable. The Dems had nothing to do but sit by and watch them disassemble 12 years of shame and excess in a spectacular display of self-destruction.
But now, the legislative branch must resume function. Democrats must put aside their bongs and beer and get at the task. Which is governing and protecting and serving and road building. Right here, right now.
There will be no more stiff collar quail hunts, no more drinking sessions with the Chief Justice, no more unmanned flights over the desert to catch the mobile applicants for janitorial and landscaping positions in the backyards of the better off.
The chickens have come home to roost. They'd better provide a few eggs for their feed and water cost, scratch about and kill the meaner bugs and act happy to see us whenever we approach. They only have two years to prove themselves. The revolution starts now.
populism and peace

When he was ten, Hootenanny's Doug Teever met George McGovern. It was after the failed Presidential election, but George was still out stumping for the right and the good. It wouldn't be long before we discovered that the Republicans had stolen (almost literally) the election through a process of intimidation and crime, including burglary of the Democratic HQ at the Watergate in DC. Much of that activity, including infiltration of peaceful student organizations, is back in fashion among the religious right dominated Republicans of today.
We're not saying Republicans aren't good folk. They are. Nearly all of them. But too many are misguided and mislead. It's like watching a car wreck, we want to look away but we can't. We don't want to see the damage and the carnage but then again we do.
We have to ask the question - what do they have against peace? And, when they throw our boys in harm's way, why the lack of real support? Like equipment and machinery and troop levels, not platitudes about staying the course, or that we're actually "winning" when a situation goes from critical to chaos. Take a look at the linked editorial to your right. It's to be published in The Army, Air Force and Marine Times. It regards Donald Rumsfeld, your Secretary of Defense. A good, thought provoking read. Or maybe just a reiteration of the obvious.
Hootenanny welcomes your comments. If you don't like what we're saying, let us know. We will publish your comments.
And, almost forgot. Get out and vote on Tuesday and think about it, if you had a choice similar to '72s Nixon vs. McGovern, how would you vote today?
montreal and texas
the arcade fire from montreal
the singer is from austin tx
U2 opened with this song last time i saw them in minneapolis
(they didn't perform it they just played it as they took the stage)
the singer is from austin tx
U2 opened with this song last time i saw them in minneapolis
(they didn't perform it they just played it as they took the stage)
kafka, the tsa and the republican war on americans

here's a link to a great story about airline security from a fellow blogger
You can't wear sunglasses at LAX
great story
made me think of franz kafka's 'the trial'
how does a government protect me by reducing me to an endless waiting room and stripping me of my dignity on false premises of safety and security
with a group of low wage misfortunates that could care less
i am not afraid of terrorists
i will take my chances
i can protect myself
like dude in the article linked above says - how will checking my boarding pass three times
protect me or anyone else when one can easily generate a boarding pass with readily
available computer software
and i don't suspect it's all that hard to forge a drivers license
why are we looking for forgeries - they've already established they're smarter than that
next time i'm in LAX i'm keeping the sunglasses on
so as to not draw the attention of the neo-republican templars
the same old idiots responsible for fast food, jack-ass religion and the abuse of the elderly and feeble
if it's profitable
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