I'm going straight to a discussion of the drive through Nebraska because southern Minnesota bores the hell out of me and nothing caught my attention in Iowa. Reaching the Iowa-Nebraska border at Council Bluffs-Omaha meant I was finally making some progress towards my day one goal of Denver, Colorado. Alas, I didn't even make it out of Nebraska that day. The truck went down and Budget couldn't get me a new horse until the following day. As that situation resolved and new promises were exchanged - me to pay and they to provide a drivable vehicle - I resumed the I-80 trek across southern Nebraska, determined to make Denver and continue on to Santa Fe or at least Pueblo.
I saw the remnant of the truck tire before I hit it, and being forced into the lane by traffic I had nowhere to go to avoid it. It made a hell of a thump and as I looked in the rearview mirror I saw it hurtle skyward and out of harms way.
Then, it was just a little wobble in the wheel. Seconds later, it was a full bore blow-out. Left front. Just east of North Platte, Nebraska. The folks at Budget were incredulous. Me? Again? In friggin' Nebraska?
The state "Highway Helper Patrol" rolled up on me before Budget's tow truck and quickly determined the truck wasn't carrying a spare! I'm astounded. Is there not a law or something? Jeez.
Since the situation did not at that time contain the requisite amount of drama, a Highway Patrolman pulls up with his grill and roof rollers on - apparently to secure the perimeter from someone with even more flashing lights. And, to ensure our awareness of his authority, he initially barked at us over his external radio. Then I'm thinking he's asking me to walk slowly towards him, but as I do he begins waving frantically for me to stop and abruptly speeds away. The Helper, concluding enough people knew of my predicament and that I would likely survive, decides to cut and run. "Childbirth at the primitive rest area north of Oglalla, gotta get there quick.", he says in a no-BS, take charge kind of way.
It is now about 5:00 PM Central Daylight Time and I am alone on the side of I-80 in southern Nebraska just east of North Platte. I have seen complete weirdness in the form of two Nebraska State employees and I have not been helped. I began to wonder if I stayed out there, would they continue to report my progress but never actually help? As I passed on from dehydration and starvation, would they continue to stop by, reporting back to HQ, "I don't think he'll make it much longer. Wish there was something we could do to help. Poor bastard."
So I call Budget again on the cell and confirm the tow truck has been dispatched and they say they believe it has but they have no way of knowing since they are in a call center in Muncie, Indiana. They seem concerned but hell, they're going home tonight. I'll be lucky if I make it to North Platte.
NEXT: A Night in North Platte
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