Western Country News
By Lola Joyce Riggins
High Plains Hootenanny Correspondent - Western Region
Well, here I am again, surprised!
Saturday night, DeAnna, Jed and July Kammerer, Melissa McConnell and Jean, James, Chris and Beth Sorensen went to Philip to see Ice Age.
Sunday, April 16th, we had the nicest visit with two couples from the Philip area, out enjoying the beautiful spring day. It was my first time, pleasure, to meet Don and Virginia Ferguson and Vern and Carrol Foland at the Elkton House.
Lynn McKay had to postpone going to Torrington, to get Jayton because the weather was winterish enough they closed Interstate 90 from Wall to Wyoming. Lynn left early Tuesday morning, and returned home, Thursday, with Jayton, the puppy and a stray cat Sorrel took pity on, as Sorrel is getting ready to finish this school year and return home.
Larry Baysinger of Rapid City, has been visiting his folks and doing preparations at the Badlands Interior Campground for the season.
Shaun and Lynn McKay, Bryn and Jayton joined the branding crew at the Kevin and Joan Kruse ranch. This is in the Interior area.
Norma Stverak of Quinn, had the misfortune to slip and fall injuring her lower ankle.
Alice Faith Naescher had a visit with her granddaughter, Laura Potter, Sunday, and was relieved to hear the family was on their way home to Aberdeen, from a week long cruise from Fort Lauderdale, FL, to visit many islands. Alice Faith was relieved to know they were safe and happy for them.
Shaun and Bryn McKay, and Michael Swan drove to Rapid City, Saturday, to attend a tourney. Shaun won a 1st and the Grand Champ. Bryn won second in sparring and 3rd in grappling. Michael won 1st in sparring. Enroute home, Shaun joined the Black Velvet band members to play for a dance in New Underwood.
Larry and Lenora Ruland drove to Pinedale, Wyoming, recently to help Larry's mother celebrate her 100th birthday. They went on to Idaho, in support of their son and got to watch T.J. and Billie win the team roping at the rodeo there.
T.J. Ruland and C.J. Tankonin won the team roping at the rodeo held in St. Paul, MN, last weekend.
Larry Ruland drove to Pinedale, Wyoming, to get his mother, Helen, for a visit. They came Tuesday. Larry took his mother to Casper, Wyoming, Thursday, and met his brother Hank in Casper. Hank took his mother back to Pinedale.
I didn't get a chance to call, but the Moon's got their new baby girl, Tuesday, and she has been named Lucy Lou. Lenora Ruland is substituting at the Wall School for Jami the rest of this school year.
(The Penningnton County Courant, Ravellette Publications, Phillip SD 2006)
Hootenanny says Big Thanks to Lola for a good read!
Click here to request a copy of Metallica: Fade To Bluegrass
Click here to request a copy of Metallica: Fade To Bluegrass
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