I have had about enough.
I supposedly cannot say certain things about other people because they happen to be black, Mexican or Asian. Because I am white, my "hands are tied". A Spanish speaker calls a Customer Service line and gets pissed if he doesn't have a Spanish language option. I bet if I was in Mexico, I wouldn't be given an English option. Who decided I should spend my money so Paco Cifuentes can order a pizza? My liberal friends in California? The Obama crew?
I recently had some bad luck and had to go into the hospital. Don't worry. I didn't lose my job and I'm on the road to recovery but my heretofore liberal sensibilities have been severely challenged.
In short:
1. Mexicans are louder than black people and at least as annoying. Their TV is the worst shit I have ever seen. I don't think speaking Spanish (or Mexican, as is spoken here), would change my opinion. There were some hot chicks on the toob, but Jesus, I can't live with that long term! Plus, what's with the roosters and the dog fighting? Fuckin' juvenile, macho shit. Go home vato, the economy can't support you right now and your weed is lame. God, even your food sucks. I've tried it. Traditional means what? Chipotle? Sheesh, that's a McDonald's operation that makes a burrito that tastes good and doesn't result in that old Aztec's revenge. Not Filberto's where the refrieds taste like poo and the crickets own the rice barrel.
2. Black people can and should get good jobs in healthcare. They (the one's I met South Mountain) have a way with making you feel better. They don't haggle over the pain meds. They should focus on these jobs before the Mexicans get them all. They should also open more soul food restaurants and pool halls. More ribs and Jambalaya. Sports book. etc. And, more Rastafarians. I and I and the Lion of Judah, and cabbage and fish. I embrace the culture.
3. Asians. Stiff backed little Ninja motherfuckers. Every time I go to Panda I end up on the toilet. Hell, what do we know now about China. They were selling lead based toys to our children. They live in squalor. My friend Barry Severson went there and when he game back, he smelled of coal and rotten fish. He still does. In fact, it's only gotten worse. Plus, one of his ears festered and fell off!
So read the foregoing and decide for yourself. Is this our 2009 Depression Era Reality because if it is, I'm voting for Pat Bowman as first Lady President of the USA. Mainly because she will probably kick some lame-o ass and secretly was my second girl friend after this really hot babe named Bobbie. Neither of them knew at the time so I can't really get into it because of pending motions, restraining orders, etc. Just let me say, that yeller-haired dog is mine!