Bob Marley
last flowers
Friends. I received some horribly tragic news today. My very good and close friends Amy and Brian Duncan lost their 5 month old son yesterday, Jonathan Michael Duncan. I can't even begin to imagine the pain they must feel. I can only post this tribute to Amy, Brian and littleman Jonathan Duncan and keep them in my prayers. Please do the same as you listen to this song, one of Brian's favorite bands Radiohead.
God bless Amy and Brian and Jonathan.
my time
I wish it was still as easy as this. Young, camping in the Black Hills. Drinking beer, smoking pot, dropping acid. Careless and reckless by equal measure. No more. Too old now. Gotta make a living. Would have rather been a rock star. Stupid fantasy.
Quit drugs, limit alcohol, work at least 10 hours a day.
Fun? What the hell is that? So listen:
The Monsters of Rock, Led Zeppelin perform "In My Time of Dyin".
Blues and Metal combined, this is a cover.
Quit drugs, limit alcohol, work at least 10 hours a day.
Fun? What the hell is that? So listen:
The Monsters of Rock, Led Zeppelin perform "In My Time of Dyin".
Blues and Metal combined, this is a cover.
can't catch a bug
Willie Nelson, my cat, can't catch a bug. He springs, he leaps and he pounces but he usually misses the bug. Mostly crickets and the unknowable winged freaks that populate this desert; he misses them all. But apparently, only when I'm watching because I see bug parts littering the granite entry every day. Unless these bugs are killing each other, Willie's success exceeds my observation. I think it's the latter.
i hate north carolina
I'm bothered by dysfunctional processes. Usually it's a mechanical issue but sometime it's people. Sometime it's an entire geographically recognizable area . Like a state or interconnected mountainous region. Like North Carolina.
Tobacco. Whiskey. BBQ. I've enjoyed all three, but then I quit tobacco, switched to single malt scotch instead of bourbon (carburetor cleaner no matter how or how long you age it) and moved away from pulled pork in favor of a well done chicken breast and fresh garden veggies. Last time I was in NC a meal was a Chik-O-Stik and an RC Cola. The rest of the night was spent in 4WD Polaris UTV hunting feral hogs and drinking peach flavored homemade white lightening.
It was fun, but we didn't get a pig and when the dude rolled the UTV, I dislocated my shoulder and lost a tooth. Par for the course in North Carolina.
Tobacco. Whiskey. BBQ. I've enjoyed all three, but then I quit tobacco, switched to single malt scotch instead of bourbon (carburetor cleaner no matter how or how long you age it) and moved away from pulled pork in favor of a well done chicken breast and fresh garden veggies. Last time I was in NC a meal was a Chik-O-Stik and an RC Cola. The rest of the night was spent in 4WD Polaris UTV hunting feral hogs and drinking peach flavored homemade white lightening.
It was fun, but we didn't get a pig and when the dude rolled the UTV, I dislocated my shoulder and lost a tooth. Par for the course in North Carolina.
hillcrest redux
Saw these guys on 60 Minutes. Dudes that dress like cowboys and pretend to be automatons. Sort of an old-times, new-cyberspace band that plays behind glass and chicken wire. Herky jerky like. Scary at first take.
But once, when they were taking requests, they played Johnny Horton's Honkey Tonk Man for me (I think)and segued into Horton's North To Alaska. I toasted them with a 3.2 Schmidt Beer in a waxed cup (you can't carry the frosted mud outside the"restaurant") while I gnawed on an overcooked Charburger with Cheese. Badlands nirvana descended on me and after it was over, I drove out to Little Badlands, contemplated eternity and returned the bad cheesburger to the Mother Earth, only partially digested.
It was a Ying-Yang evening and I couldn't summon my Chi.
I woke up next morning in my room at the Hillcrest Motel on the Dump Grounds Road, packed my gear and bolted.
I haven't been back since.
hai carrumba!

Sarah (Babe) Palin looking hot. Jeez. It's not fair. I was thinking she wasn't so attractive, huge, square-jawed face and all, until I got the real, only slightly Photoshopped picture at left. Come to Butthead, I thought. But, not much chance of that. So I dug deeper and came up with this Palin in a bikini sportin' a gun. I began to toss large objects around the room as I reverted to primordial gorilla lust. I ran outside and tore down trees to create a leaf bed for me and my new lady. But here in Arizona, everything has thorns and just wouldn't do.

mpls rage
Rage Against the Machine didn't just play Minneapolis for the RNC but also breezed through Denver for the DNC. Tear gas and riot police provided government support on each occasion. Rage's view; simply that politics aren't much more than alternative marketing strategies. Our military won't come home, energy policies won't change and healthcare will continue to be limited to the employed and the rich. It's often perplexes me that anyone thinks otherwise. The major political parties are not acting in your interest. They are essentially large corporations that act in their own interests. They are nothing more than Rage suggests, "Bulls On Parade".
drill baby drill
Did anyone miss the irony? The Palin family seems to epitomize the concept. Drill for what I might ask. Why do we continue to expand our oil capacity when it's refinery capacity and use patterns that are at fault. Not to mention commodities speculation, a bubble that has burst based on consumer patterns (conservation - or, if you like, price reluctance) and the strength of the US dollar. It was not and never has been an issue of supply.
China. India. Usurpers of oil and gasoline? They have been thoroughly castigated as economies based on subsidies. How about US? What don't we subsidize? What really surprises me is the hypocrisy. To that end, I think it's only fair that skilled commodities brokers make out like bandits as they bilk the mass of idiots that populate any given societal collective (read: nation state) on a worldwide level.
So once again the concept of renewable energy resources comes to the forefront. I love the concepts of solar, wind and geothermal energy, They minimize environmental impact. They work and other than the cost of infrastructure, are free. Ethanol? Dead on arrival. If you don't understand that, join the Republican party and sell your soul to another government subsidy. Ethanol production is not profitable in any other guise.
The question boils down to "what would McCain/Palin do? I think I got the message.
Drill Baby Drill.
China. India. Usurpers of oil and gasoline? They have been thoroughly castigated as economies based on subsidies. How about US? What don't we subsidize? What really surprises me is the hypocrisy. To that end, I think it's only fair that skilled commodities brokers make out like bandits as they bilk the mass of idiots that populate any given societal collective (read: nation state) on a worldwide level.
So once again the concept of renewable energy resources comes to the forefront. I love the concepts of solar, wind and geothermal energy, They minimize environmental impact. They work and other than the cost of infrastructure, are free. Ethanol? Dead on arrival. If you don't understand that, join the Republican party and sell your soul to another government subsidy. Ethanol production is not profitable in any other guise.
The question boils down to "what would McCain/Palin do? I think I got the message.
Drill Baby Drill.
ain't talkin bout love
Your love is rotten to the core ...

Click to enlarge graphic.
And apropos of the Republican National Convention, the Dead Kennedys. Turn up the volume! Jello, Jello...we need you.
Reminds me of a time when I would slog my books down to the university library with my fellow frat members. Not so much to study but to scope hot chicks that were there to scope us back, but like baseball, we struck out more often than we got a hit. A young gal walked past one night, wearing a torn and safety-pinned plain white t-shirt with the song's title scrawled on the front. We snickered audibly before laughing out loud. It was a mean thing to do and I now regret it, but though I sat among the rich boys from Sioux City and Sioux Falls and pretended to be like them, I never changed my party affiliation and never will.
Elect Obama. Our only hope.

Click to enlarge graphic.
And apropos of the Republican National Convention, the Dead Kennedys. Turn up the volume! Jello, Jello...we need you.
Reminds me of a time when I would slog my books down to the university library with my fellow frat members. Not so much to study but to scope hot chicks that were there to scope us back, but like baseball, we struck out more often than we got a hit. A young gal walked past one night, wearing a torn and safety-pinned plain white t-shirt with the song's title scrawled on the front. We snickered audibly before laughing out loud. It was a mean thing to do and I now regret it, but though I sat among the rich boys from Sioux City and Sioux Falls and pretended to be like them, I never changed my party affiliation and never will.
Elect Obama. Our only hope.
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