Run, don't walk, to your local record store and buy Neil Young "Live at Massey Hall". It is killer!
lily allen

Listen/watch; the video for Lily's song "LDN".
And this one will probably shake the foundation of our readership. Lily does a cool parody of Robert Smith and the Cure. If you're a tweaker or a psycho-goth or even just a Mormon, skip this one. The rest of you, party on. This can't be much weirder than Wall's Centennial.
can I ask you a question?

Girls. Girls. Girls.
Stop asking us questions. We do not have the answer. We do not even care.
Unless the question is whether we'd like another beer and a hot dog with brown mustard and onions. Then, of course, the answer is yes. Or, if you ask, want to watch the game tonight? Again, of course we would and don't hassle us when we fall asleep in the chair. Unless of course you want to ...
You get the idea. Now get back in the kitchen and make us some pie.

Runner-up Silver Medalist Barry Severson challenged but fell short. Being a short, stunted, runt-like creature, his ear-flaps couldn't get him off the ground for more than a couple of meters. A few seconds of uninterrupted flight and then right into the fire pit like a moth or a girl.
Bronze Medalist Marty Heathershaw wowed the assembled with the mere appearance of ear lobe assisted flight. Having borrowed an iPod, it was reported that he dialed into the Slobberbone song "Springfield, Illinois" and while rocking out, flew around like a fruit bat on acid.
It was a great competitive event - the first ever sponsored by HOOTENANNY. When we've successfully pushed out the brand name, we'll have more. The next we'd like to sponsor is cap related. We're looking for dudes with caps running pell mell into stuccoed walls and fences. We'll rate the contestants based on origin of cap and facial injuries sustained. True blood sport for the HOOTENANNY Hardcore.
sometimes you feel like a nut
arlys "shorpy" klundt

Arlys "Shorpy" Klundt is a shortchanger. Give him a nickel for the Daily Gilbertonian and you'll likely get shorted a few cents or more. His nickname "Shorpy" is a result of his affection for short pants and long stockings, a long since abandoned style.
I met Shorpy outside the Copper Penny on a hot, winter's day in Gilbert, east of Phoenix. He was selling yesterday's newspaper to the unsuspecting early morning inebriates that fancy the Copper Penny's 8:00 - 10:00 AM Happy Hour, the first of several throughout the day.
Noting he was six Bloody Marys into a Monday binge, Shorpy cadged a buck ten for a Sunday Arizona Republic from Hobo Joe Mustache and his girlfriend Bullet-Head Madge. Of course, that got old Bullet-Head riled and a fracas ensued. Shorpy, small of stature but quick with his fists, buried a haymaker in Madge's gut like a bowling ball in jello and Madge took a header into the pavement. Hobo Joe tried to pull Madge to her feet, but her well-worn cotton sweater tore loose exposing Madge's rarely washed breast support system - a system of wires and straps to complex to describe in detail.
Shorpy took flight, but while keeping an eye behind him, collided with a low-hanging, awning support in front of the Liberty Market Grocery, losing three teeth and his pride in the process.
Shorpy doesn't shortchange in Gilbert now, having fled for Pueblo, Colorado where the enemies of Hobo Joe Mustache and Bullet-Head Madge are known to congregate and Shorpy could find sanctuary. This Saturday, I'm going to drive up the rim to Pueblo and look for Shorpy.
three day road
it's three days by car
less by some if you speed
it's black and white pavement
green and brown grass
black dirt, red dirt, yellow dirt then sand
glad to be back
less by some if you speed
it's black and white pavement
green and brown grass
black dirt, red dirt, yellow dirt then sand
glad to be back

Your Heart Is An Empty Room
Death Cab for Cutie
Back from the ash scattering. Hardly easy. Hardly not even.
Death Cab for Cutie
Back from the ash scattering. Hardly easy. Hardly not even.

Articles of Impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard B. Cheney
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. - - ARTICLE II, SECTION 4 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard B. Cheney have committed violations and subversions of the Constitution of the United States of America in an attempt to carry out with impunity crimes against peace and humanity and war crimes and deprivations of the civil rights of the people of the United States and other nations, by assuming powers of an imperial executive unaccountable to law and usurping powers of the Congress, the Judiciary and those reserved to the people of the United States, by the following acts:
1) Seizing power to wage wars of aggression in defiance of the U.S. Constitution, the U.N. Charter and the rule of law; carrying out a massive assault on and occupation of Iraq, a country that was not threatening the United States, resulting in the death and maiming of over one hundred thousand Iraqis, and thousands of U.S. G.I.s.
2) Lying to the people of the U.S., to Congress, and to the U.N., providing false and deceptive rationales for war.
3) Authorizing, ordering and condoning direct attacks on civilians, civilian facilities and locations where civilian casualties were unavoidable.
4) Instituting a secret and illegal wiretapping and spying operation against the people of the United States through the National Security Agency.
5) Threatening the independence and sovereignty of Iraq by belligerently changing its government by force and assaulting Iraq in a war of aggression.
6) Authorizing, ordering and condoning assassinations, summary executions, kidnappings, secret and other illegal detentions of individuals, torture and physical and psychological coercion of prisoners to obtain false statements concerning acts and intentions of governments and individuals and violating within the United States, and by authorizing U.S. forces and agents elsewhere, the rights of individuals under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
7) Making, ordering and condoning false statements and propaganda about the conduct of foreign governments and individuals and acts by U.S. government personnel; manipulating the media and foreign governments with false information; concealing information vital to public discussion and informed judgment concerning acts, intentions and possession, or efforts to obtain weapons of mass destruction in order to falsely create a climate of fear and destroy opposition to U.S. wars of aggression and first strike attacks.
8) Violations and subversions of the Charter of the United Nations and international law, both a part of the "Supreme Law of the land" under Article VI, paragraph 2, of the Constitution, in an attempt to commit with impunity crimes against peace and humanity and war crimes in wars and threats of aggression against Afghanistan, Iraq and others and usurping powers of the United Nations and the peoples of its nations by bribery, coercion and other corrupt acts and by rejecting treaties, committing treaty violations, and frustrating compliance with treaties in order to destroy any means by which international law and institutions can prevent, affect, or adjudicate the exercise of U.S. military and economic power against the international community.
9) Acting to strip United States citizens of their constitutional and human rights, ordering indefinite detention of citizens, without access to counsel, without charge, and without opportunity to appear before a civil judicial officer to challenge the detention, based solely on the discretionary designation by the Executive of a citizen as an "enemy combatant."
10) Ordering indefinite detention of non-citizens in the United States and elsewhere, and without charge, at the discretionary designation of the Attorney General or the Secretary of Defense.
11) Ordering and authorizing the Attorney General to override judicial orders of release of detainees under INS jurisdiction, even where the judicial officer after full hearing determines a detainee is wrongfully held by the government.
12) Authorizing secret military tribunals and summary execution of persons who are not citizens who are designated solely at the discretion of the Executive who acts as indicting official, prosecutor and as the only avenue of appellate relief.
13) Refusing to provide public disclosure of the identities and locations of persons who have been arrested, detained and imprisoned by the U.S. government in the United States, including in response to Congressional inquiry.
14) Use of secret arrests of persons within the United States and elsewhere and denial of the right to public trials.
15) Authorizing the monitoring of confidential attorney-client privileged communications by the government, even in the absence of a court order and even where an incarcerated person has not been charged with a crime.
16) Ordering and authorizing the seizure of assets of persons in the United States, prior to hearing or trial, for lawful or innocent association with any entity that at the discretionary designation of the Executive has been deemed "terrorist."
17) Engaging in criminal neglect in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, depriving thousands of people in Louisiana, Mississippi and other Gulf States of urgently needed support, causing mass suffering and unnecessary loss of life.
18) Institutionalization of racial and religious profiling and authorization of domestic spying by federal law enforcement on persons based on their engagement in noncriminal religious and political activity.
19) Refusal to provide information and records necessary and appropriate for the constitutional right of legislative oversight of executive functions.
20) Rejecting treaties protective of peace and human rights and abrogation of the obligations of the United States under, and withdrawal from, international treaties and obligations without consent of the legislative branch, and including termination of the ABM treaty between the United States and Russia, and rescission of the authorizing signature from the Treaty of Rome which served as the basis for the International Criminal Court.
vietnamese pork sandwich
On Gilbert Road south of Ray there's a Great Clips where I go to get my hair cut. I go every month or so. Each time, I draw a new clipper. Today I drew a sweet little Vietnamese gal. I got a great haircut. Those of you who see me in the next few days will attest.
I also got directions to Lee's Sandwiches on the corner of Warner and Dobson in Chandler. Lee's makes great sandwiches including a favorite of mine, the Banh Mi Thit Bale (pronounced bah me tea by). It's a French roll with shredded pork, pickled carrots, hot peppers, cilantro and a sauce sort of like Horseradish. The twelve inch version set me back $2.97 with tax.
They also serve Pho (pronounced fuh), a noodle soup that will drive you insane with pleasure.
I got started with this food in Minneapolis where my brother's law partner, who served in Vietnam, turned us on to this and the ultimate - Vietnamese coffee (find a Vietnamese restaurant and try it).
Anyway, the clipper, who left Vietnam as a refugee and landed in Malaysia before making her way to us also offered some true cilantro. Seems she brought two seeds with her from Vietnam in a make-up case and they grew well. She works on Tuesday and I'm to come back and get some of her cilantro. We've made a plan.
The haircut cost 12 bucks, I gave her a twenty. I wonder if that was enough.
I also got directions to Lee's Sandwiches on the corner of Warner and Dobson in Chandler. Lee's makes great sandwiches including a favorite of mine, the Banh Mi Thit Bale (pronounced bah me tea by). It's a French roll with shredded pork, pickled carrots, hot peppers, cilantro and a sauce sort of like Horseradish. The twelve inch version set me back $2.97 with tax.
They also serve Pho (pronounced fuh), a noodle soup that will drive you insane with pleasure.
I got started with this food in Minneapolis where my brother's law partner, who served in Vietnam, turned us on to this and the ultimate - Vietnamese coffee (find a Vietnamese restaurant and try it).
Anyway, the clipper, who left Vietnam as a refugee and landed in Malaysia before making her way to us also offered some true cilantro. Seems she brought two seeds with her from Vietnam in a make-up case and they grew well. She works on Tuesday and I'm to come back and get some of her cilantro. We've made a plan.
The haircut cost 12 bucks, I gave her a twenty. I wonder if that was enough.
fire in cairo
as this band, Sodium Haze, covers an old cure tune
i'm forced to tell you why
i go to college
i hear about new music
i volunteer at the student radio station
i play stuff like this
I'm asked to leave
because i play stuff like this
they change the locks
i'm forced to tell you why
i go to college
i hear about new music
i volunteer at the student radio station
i play stuff like this
I'm asked to leave
because i play stuff like this
they change the locks
killing an arab
the cure
i used to spin this disc when i was a college dj
for kaor in vermillion , sd
in the 80's
i'm still a big fan of robert smith
his work with siouxsie and the banshees and others
no one really compares
i used to spin this disc when i was a college dj
for kaor in vermillion , sd
in the 80's
i'm still a big fan of robert smith
his work with siouxsie and the banshees and others
no one really compares
killing indians
cortez - what a killer
Hernán(do) Cortés Pizarro, 1st Marqués del Valle de Oaxaca (1485–December 2, 1547) was the conquistador who became famous for leading the military expedition that initiated the Spanish Conquest of Mexico. Cortés was part of the generation of European colonizers that began the first phase of the Spanish colonization of the Americas.
Cortez the Killer is a song by Neil Young from his 1975 album, Zuma. It was recorded with Young's band Crazy Horse and ranked #321 on Rolling Stone 's list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.
The song is about Hernán Cortés, a conquistador who conquered Mexico for Spain in the 1500s. The song also makes reference to the Aztec ruler Moctezuma II and other events that occurred in the Spanish conquest of the New World.
Only after several minutes of this does the lyric start. First it pictures Cortés and his "galleons and guns" about to arrive, then jumps to the Aztecs, depicting their civilization in somewhat idealized fashion even though explicitly acknowledging, before and after some guitar work, both human sacrifice and the immense human toll of building their pyramids. Instead of describing what happened when Cortez appeared, the lyric in the last verse suddenly jumps from third person narrative to first person, with elliptical references to a romantic relationship gone bad. This may refer to Cortez's Aztec mistress whom he loved dearly (perhaps Doña Marina, his interpreter),[citation needed] or to some other unspecified relationship. Finally after another spell of guitar, Young simply mutters, "Cortez ... what a killer."
Young has stated in concert that he wrote the song while studying history in high school. In Jimmy McDonough's biography of Young, entitled Shakey, the author asked Neil if his songs were autobiographical. Young replied, "...What the fuck am I doing writing about Aztecs in 'Cortez the Killer' like I was there, wandering around? 'Cause I only read about it in a few books. A lotta shit I just made up because it came to me." Nevertheless, the song was banned in Spain, according to Young's notes for the album Decade.
Hernán(do) Cortés Pizarro, 1st Marqués del Valle de Oaxaca (1485–December 2, 1547) was the conquistador who became famous for leading the military expedition that initiated the Spanish Conquest of Mexico. Cortés was part of the generation of European colonizers that began the first phase of the Spanish colonization of the Americas.
Cortez the Killer is a song by Neil Young from his 1975 album, Zuma. It was recorded with Young's band Crazy Horse and ranked #321 on Rolling Stone 's list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.
The song is about Hernán Cortés, a conquistador who conquered Mexico for Spain in the 1500s. The song also makes reference to the Aztec ruler Moctezuma II and other events that occurred in the Spanish conquest of the New World.
Only after several minutes of this does the lyric start. First it pictures Cortés and his "galleons and guns" about to arrive, then jumps to the Aztecs, depicting their civilization in somewhat idealized fashion even though explicitly acknowledging, before and after some guitar work, both human sacrifice and the immense human toll of building their pyramids. Instead of describing what happened when Cortez appeared, the lyric in the last verse suddenly jumps from third person narrative to first person, with elliptical references to a romantic relationship gone bad. This may refer to Cortez's Aztec mistress whom he loved dearly (perhaps Doña Marina, his interpreter),[citation needed] or to some other unspecified relationship. Finally after another spell of guitar, Young simply mutters, "Cortez ... what a killer."
Young has stated in concert that he wrote the song while studying history in high school. In Jimmy McDonough's biography of Young, entitled Shakey, the author asked Neil if his songs were autobiographical. Young replied, "...What the fuck am I doing writing about Aztecs in 'Cortez the Killer' like I was there, wandering around? 'Cause I only read about it in a few books. A lotta shit I just made up because it came to me." Nevertheless, the song was banned in Spain, according to Young's notes for the album Decade.
2006 march madness champion returns

2006 March Madness Champion LeeRoy Redcorn announced today his intention to compete again in the California based March Madness Tournament Pool organized by Morongo Valley resident known only by the alias XYZ Catsfly. LeeRoy took the Grand Prize in last year's pool, winning by tiebreaker but winning nonetheless. At an early afternoon press conference at the Copper Penny Bar in downtown Gilbert, Arizona, LeeRoy embellished upon his winnings, indicating they, when combined with a victory in his Fantasy Football League, bought several pairs of shoes for his baby who, coincidentally, needed a new pair of shoes.
"I was especially delighted to see to the demise of the trash-talking ne'er do well, XYZ Catsfly and his southern California cohort." said the always elegantly attired Mr. Redcorn. "I shall again endeavor to teach this ruffian mob a lesson in NCAA Men's Basketball from my remote corner of the beautiful Sonoran desert here in Gilbert." Mr. Redcorn has agreed to compete under the sponsorship of Medicinal Weed and Beads, Peelin' Wheelies, Inc., of Kingman, Arizona.
XYZ Catsfly, hiding somewhere in the lowly, scornful Mojave desert, was unavailable for comment.
who knew dylan heard a who?

Dylan Hears a Who: a six-song album of music adaptations of Dr Seuss storybooks sung in the style of vintage Subterranean Homesick Blues-era Bob Dylan. Sheer genius!
PS: The link is down at the moment due to overwhelming traffic on the server. Keep trying!
so long
a poem by run westy run
for eric
ya know he's feeling foolish that he started the game
he's been down so long he don't even know his name
But he says he's alright
he's been awake for days wondering what to do
he's been staring down the same old wall
trying to look right through
but ya know he ain't working
ya know he just feeling
And I say so long
Ya know he got what he paid for and now its slipping away
he'll be going back for more but I don't know who will turn him away
but they say he ain't real, they say he's just feeling
And I say so long
now they're feeling foolish they've watched the game
they've been walking around in circle trying to feel the same
but they know he ain't real they know he's just feeling
for eric

ya know he's feeling foolish that he started the game
he's been down so long he don't even know his name
But he says he's alright
he's been awake for days wondering what to do
he's been staring down the same old wall
trying to look right through
but ya know he ain't working
ya know he just feeling
And I say so long
Ya know he got what he paid for and now its slipping away
he'll be going back for more but I don't know who will turn him away
but they say he ain't real, they say he's just feeling
And I say so long
now they're feeling foolish they've watched the game
they've been walking around in circle trying to feel the same
but they know he ain't real they know he's just feeling
we got bobbie

The Hootenanny team would like to announce a new Hoot contributor. She's a sweet little Missouri girl with a great Hoot-like sense of humor. She's writing something tonight. She hasn't provided her web name yet, but when she does I'm sure you will all want to talk to her. Bobbie. The new Hootenanny heroin. Easy, lucky and free.
i'll have the scampi

So I'm sitting outside for lunch at Oregano's in downtown Tempe when this huge, craw fish sized bug descends from the tree overhead and splashes down in the pool of garlic-butter surrounding my shrimp scampi. My lunch-mate recoils in obvious disgust as the creature attempts to lift off, but hangs up on the lip of the plate and tumbles into the ashtray where it becomes trapped by the apparent suction effect of buttered wings on glass. As it lay there in prone position, all eighteen or so legs working frantically but not in unison, I'm reminded of Kafka's Metamorphosis and how much I hated that book and how I just wanted to kill the disgusting man-bug and be done with it. Yeah, you guessed it - I missed the larger significance of the book and its meaning. To me Kafka was just a twisted old Austrian hop-head.
Nonetheless, with a final great effort, the monstrous tree bug flipped itself upright and began to vibrate. It sounded like a tiny Formula One Racer or an old Yamaha trail bike wrapped way too tight. Soon, it began to hover and careen ominously from side to side.
Until I flipped out and stuck a fork in it.
big brown eyes
The dB's
The dB's were a power pop group of the late 1970s and 1980s. The bandmembers were Peter Holsapple, Chris Stamey, Will Rigby and Gene Holder, all of whom were from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The group was formed in New York City.
They released their first album, Stands for Decibels, in 1981, to critical acclaim but negligible sales. Their sound was a modernized version of earlier power pop, with precise arrangements and highly accomplished instrumental work. Stamey and Holsapple were the band's songwriters, and while Holsapple was skilled in the composing of fairly straightforward tunes such as "Big Brown Eyes" and "Bad Reputation," Stamey's songs, which include "Espionage" and "Tearjerkin'," tended to be somewhat more experimental. They released a second album in 1982, Repercussion, which built upon the strengths of the first album, and also released singles such as "Judy." These two albums, recorded on the British label Albion, have since been reissued on one compact disc.
Stamey left the group after the second album, and pursued a career as a solo artist and producer. The group then recorded a third album, Like This, released in 1984.
The final CD released while the dB's were together was The Sound of Music in 1987. Again under Holsapple's direction, this is perhaps the band's most traditional pop album.
Although the dB's enjoyed only a limited popularity, their recordings were held in high esteem by critics. Robert Christgau, reviewing their first album, said "This is pop at its tensest--the precise harmonies, broken rhythms, and Byrdsy zoom effects are drawn so tight they make the expertly rendered romantic ups and downs of the songs sound intense and earned."
The dB's were a power pop group of the late 1970s and 1980s. The bandmembers were Peter Holsapple, Chris Stamey, Will Rigby and Gene Holder, all of whom were from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The group was formed in New York City.
They released their first album, Stands for Decibels, in 1981, to critical acclaim but negligible sales. Their sound was a modernized version of earlier power pop, with precise arrangements and highly accomplished instrumental work. Stamey and Holsapple were the band's songwriters, and while Holsapple was skilled in the composing of fairly straightforward tunes such as "Big Brown Eyes" and "Bad Reputation," Stamey's songs, which include "Espionage" and "Tearjerkin'," tended to be somewhat more experimental. They released a second album in 1982, Repercussion, which built upon the strengths of the first album, and also released singles such as "Judy." These two albums, recorded on the British label Albion, have since been reissued on one compact disc.
Stamey left the group after the second album, and pursued a career as a solo artist and producer. The group then recorded a third album, Like This, released in 1984.
The final CD released while the dB's were together was The Sound of Music in 1987. Again under Holsapple's direction, this is perhaps the band's most traditional pop album.
Although the dB's enjoyed only a limited popularity, their recordings were held in high esteem by critics. Robert Christgau, reviewing their first album, said "This is pop at its tensest--the precise harmonies, broken rhythms, and Byrdsy zoom effects are drawn so tight they make the expertly rendered romantic ups and downs of the songs sound intense and earned."
neon bible
the arcade fire
Neon Bible
A vial of hope and a vial of pain
In the light they both looked the same
Poured them out on into the world
On every boy and every girl
It's in the Neon Bible, the Neon Bible
Not much chance for survival
If the Neon Bible is right
Take the poison of your age
Don't lick your fingers when you turn the page
What I know is what you know is right
In the city it's the only light
It's the Neon Bible, the Neon Bible
Not much chance for survival
If the Neon Bible is right
Oh God! Well look at you now!
Oh! You lost it, but you don't know how!
In the light of a golden calf
Oh God! I had to laugh!
Take the poison of your age
Don't lick your fingers when you turn the page
It was wrong but you said it was right
In the future I will read at night
It's the Neon Bible, the Neon Bible
Not much chance for survival
If the Neon Bible is true
Neon Bible
A vial of hope and a vial of pain
In the light they both looked the same
Poured them out on into the world
On every boy and every girl
It's in the Neon Bible, the Neon Bible
Not much chance for survival
If the Neon Bible is right
Take the poison of your age
Don't lick your fingers when you turn the page
What I know is what you know is right
In the city it's the only light
It's the Neon Bible, the Neon Bible
Not much chance for survival
If the Neon Bible is right
Oh God! Well look at you now!
Oh! You lost it, but you don't know how!
In the light of a golden calf
Oh God! I had to laugh!
Take the poison of your age
Don't lick your fingers when you turn the page
It was wrong but you said it was right
In the future I will read at night
It's the Neon Bible, the Neon Bible
Not much chance for survival
If the Neon Bible is true
country feedback
michael stipe and REM
This flower is scorched
This film is on
On a maddening loop.
These clothes,
These clothes don't fit us right
I'm to blame
It's all the same
It's all the same
You come to me with a bone in your hand
You come to me with your hair curled tight
You come to me with positions
You come to me with excuses
Ducked out in a row
You wear me out
You wear me out
We've been through fake-a-breakdown
Self hurt
Plastics, collections
Self help, self pain,
EST, psychics, fuck all
I was central
I had control
I lost my head
I need this
I need this
A paper weight, junk garage
Winter rain, a honey pot
Crazy, all the lovers have been tagged.
A hotline, a wanted ad
It's crazy what you could've had
It's crazy what you could've had
It's crazy what you could've had
I need this
I need this
This flower is scorched
This film is on
On a maddening loop.
These clothes,
These clothes don't fit us right
I'm to blame
It's all the same
It's all the same
You come to me with a bone in your hand
You come to me with your hair curled tight
You come to me with positions
You come to me with excuses
Ducked out in a row
You wear me out
You wear me out
We've been through fake-a-breakdown
Self hurt
Plastics, collections
Self help, self pain,
EST, psychics, fuck all
I was central
I had control
I lost my head
I need this
I need this
A paper weight, junk garage
Winter rain, a honey pot
Crazy, all the lovers have been tagged.
A hotline, a wanted ad
It's crazy what you could've had
It's crazy what you could've had
It's crazy what you could've had
I need this
I need this
fond farewell
to a friend
for alec and eric
The LiteBrite is now black and white
'Cos you took apart a picture that wasn't right
Pitch burning on a shining sheet
The only maker that you want to meet
A dying man in a living room
Whose shadow paces the floor
He'll take you out in the open door
This is not my life
It's just a fond farewell to a friend
It's not what I'm like
It's just a fond farewell to a friend
Who couldn't get things right
A fond farewell to a friend
He said really I just want to dance
Good and evil match perfect, it's a great romance
And I can deal with some psychic pain
If it'll slow down my higher brain
Veins full of disappearing ink
Vomiting in your kitchen sink
Disconnecting from the missing link
This is not my life
It's just a fond farewell to a friend
It's not what I'm like
It's just a fond farewell to a friend
Who couldn't get things right
A fond farewell to a friend
I see you're leaving me
And taking up with the enemy
The cold comfort of the in-between
A little less than a human being
A little less than a happy high
A little less than a suicide
The only things that you really tried
This is not my life
It's just a fond farewell to a friend
It's not what I'm like
It's just a fond farewell to a friend
Who couldn't things right
A fond farewell to a friend
This is not my life
It's just a fond farewell to a friend
for alec and eric
The LiteBrite is now black and white
'Cos you took apart a picture that wasn't right
Pitch burning on a shining sheet
The only maker that you want to meet
A dying man in a living room
Whose shadow paces the floor
He'll take you out in the open door
This is not my life
It's just a fond farewell to a friend
It's not what I'm like
It's just a fond farewell to a friend
Who couldn't get things right
A fond farewell to a friend
He said really I just want to dance
Good and evil match perfect, it's a great romance
And I can deal with some psychic pain
If it'll slow down my higher brain
Veins full of disappearing ink
Vomiting in your kitchen sink
Disconnecting from the missing link
This is not my life
It's just a fond farewell to a friend
It's not what I'm like
It's just a fond farewell to a friend
Who couldn't get things right
A fond farewell to a friend
I see you're leaving me
And taking up with the enemy
The cold comfort of the in-between
A little less than a human being
A little less than a happy high
A little less than a suicide
The only things that you really tried
This is not my life
It's just a fond farewell to a friend
It's not what I'm like
It's just a fond farewell to a friend
Who couldn't things right
A fond farewell to a friend
This is not my life
It's just a fond farewell to a friend
old 97's
While drinking Shiner in Deep Elum, I met Rhett Miller, born Stewart Ransom Miller II in Austin, Texas on September 6, 1970. He is the lead singer of the alt-country band the Old 97's and has also has a successful solo career. He graduated from St. Mark's School of Texas in Dallas in 1989. He was weird but for Texas he was alright. I like Texas.
In this old, live video Rhett plays solo - covering the Pixies and David Bowie. Guess which.
Be smart. Buy Old 97's CDs while you still can.
In this old, live video Rhett plays solo - covering the Pixies and David Bowie. Guess which.
Be smart. Buy Old 97's CDs while you still can.
sometime to return
soul asylum 1988
I was just out of law school
sent to deadwood as clerk for the eigth judicial circuit
judge warren johnson presiding
judges tschetter and moses in the wings
johns was the magistrate
i lived up on the high hill
just below the cemetary
containing bullock, hickok and calamity jane
porch in front and back
you could hear the rollers at the homestake
hear the siren when the cage
dropped into a flooded shaft
write a check at the bodega
buy a beer at the number ten
and finish it off in durty nelly's in the franklin hotel
kevin drove up from texas
we had some chunking chinese
and blasted soul asylum into the neighborhood
I was just out of law school
sent to deadwood as clerk for the eigth judicial circuit
judge warren johnson presiding
judges tschetter and moses in the wings
johns was the magistrate
i lived up on the high hill
just below the cemetary
containing bullock, hickok and calamity jane
porch in front and back
you could hear the rollers at the homestake
hear the siren when the cage
dropped into a flooded shaft
write a check at the bodega
buy a beer at the number ten
and finish it off in durty nelly's in the franklin hotel
kevin drove up from texas
we had some chunking chinese
and blasted soul asylum into the neighborhood
He was born in Buxton, Derbyshire. He grew up in nearby Chapel en le Frith and went to New Mills Grammar School. After failing in law at University College London, he later attended (but did not graduate from) the University of Glasgow, where he studied philosophy and English and met the other members of The Commotions.
Their 1984 debut, Rattlesnakes, contained literary and pop culture references to such figures as Norman Mailer, Grace Kelly, Eva Marie Saint, Truman Capote and Joan Didion. The group produced two more albums, Easy Pieces and Mainstream, before disbanding in 1989, when Cole relocated to New York to record with various artists, including Fred Maher, Robert Quine and Matthew Sweet.
Their 1984 debut, Rattlesnakes, contained literary and pop culture references to such figures as Norman Mailer, Grace Kelly, Eva Marie Saint, Truman Capote and Joan Didion. The group produced two more albums, Easy Pieces and Mainstream, before disbanding in 1989, when Cole relocated to New York to record with various artists, including Fred Maher, Robert Quine and Matthew Sweet.
get it knocked off
Jeez! Where have we been, you ask? Well, the BIG CHEESE flew in from Greensboro Monday and treated the staff to a whirlwind spin cycle of restaurants and bars. It was like a kaleidoscope of fruit-flavored girl-drinks, short skirts and bad, Vegas-style craziness.
We learned a lot. Like, did you know there were catfish the size of mermaids in Tempe Town Lake?
It's either that or catfish become mermaids after 17 shots of Patron Silver. Or did you know it's almost impossible to steal a small, single engine plane with a flat tire from the Sky Harbor runway next to the Left Seat Diner and even more difficult to tow one through a chain link fence and over the gravel abutment to the SR 202 East. Even with a driver in the plane! Steering. Or trying to.
Well, the BIG CHEESE is safely back in Greensboro, the Hoot Staffers are mostly recovered from the vestiges of advanced alcohol poisoning and I'm off to climb Mt. Everest with eight, Oompa-Loompa looking Sherpas I met at The Library Bar on Mill Avenue at ASU. Can you say green tea with yak butter? In Kathmandu?
We learned a lot. Like, did you know there were catfish the size of mermaids in Tempe Town Lake?

Well, the BIG CHEESE is safely back in Greensboro, the Hoot Staffers are mostly recovered from the vestiges of advanced alcohol poisoning and I'm off to climb Mt. Everest with eight, Oompa-Loompa looking Sherpas I met at The Library Bar on Mill Avenue at ASU. Can you say green tea with yak butter? In Kathmandu?
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